Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Interns Turned Story Writers


After a few weeks of more bonding, WASH planning, Swahili lessons and informative feedback, the team has been busy. Our favourite, Madame Jane, brought out the creativity in us.  The interns -now turned story writers- have come up with engaging & intriguing scenarios for our WASH evaluation. Other than the regular shmegular (but very important) student questionnaires, the scenarios give the students a fun way to portray their WASH curriculum retention. Just as we were in 7th grade, the attention span of preteens don’t have the best track record, which is why a storytime scenario situation will be perfect for engagement. With the WASH evaluation well on its way, we will shift our focus to our new menstrual hygiene project! The team helped Anastasia’s brilliant idea of making a dedicated infographic instagram post for world menstrual health day, which enabled us to gather some background knowledge useful for our upcoming project.

In other news, the current SIHA interns have been exploring executive positions for the upcoming year with help from the current execs. To say that we are excitedly inspired would be an understatement. In hopes to achieve our goals, the team has been hopping into various different fundraising ideas such as a bottle drive, makeup master class, cooking with me’s, and of course, the silent auction. 

The drive (not the google drive, but it’s okay because we’re fixing that!) within the team is still going at an upwards trajectory, and we are more than excited to be beginning our new project :)

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

SIHA: A Pandemic Perspective

In spite of the fact that we are in 2021 as of now, the Year 2020 (which would make for an incredible movie or documentary) continues to haunt us. Giving off total he who shall not be named vibes. The unprecedented turn of events resulted in SIHA going fully virtual. From all the SIHA 101’s, group bonding sessions, and now the actual internship (rip our 2021 Tanzania trip), Google Meet has been our saviour. Unfortunately, time zones and wifi connections have been somewhat villainous. Despite that, the game and wine nights make up for it!  Though we all have yet to meet in person, the team this year have become a tight-knit group - all from behind a screen! 

Anthony, our Project Manager, and supposed up and becoming artist, keeps us on track and gives us some laughs. Our charming and hilarious In-Country Representatives consist of Charles, MK, Pilly and Pastone (aka the Skinny Legend, or mwembamba in Swahili). They are the joy in all our meetings. Sunny and Jenna are the lead interns, or as Anthony likes to say “pseudo-interns or whatever”. They always keep the conversation fun and interesting by giving us great stories and advice based on their life experiences (LOL) all while directing us amateur interns on how to go about... basically everything. Now, us “amateurs” are a passionate group of five women (the new famous five 👀 ??) consisting of Akanksha, Anastasia, Ellen, Samina and myself, Sadika. Though we are new to all this, we work great together and are crazy excited to be on the team.  

Our goals as the International Team are primarily focused on two things. Firstly, we wish to continue the WASH Program, which provides children in Tanzania with education regarding water, sanitation and hygiene based on a curriculum we have developed. Our second goal is to initiate and implement a Menstrual Hygiene Program, which would involve also developing a curriculum catered towards the children. This program aims to not only spread awareness regarding menstrual hygiene, but to also disengage from the taboo regarding menstruation. 

We are also working on things aside from these projects such as organizing our google drive, revamping our social media platforms and most importantly, bringing a joke of the day to the meetings (thanks for the pressure Charles!).